Patients From All Over The World

Come To See Dr. Beougher!

Over 25 Years of Cosmetic SmileLifts On Over 3000 Patients!

Patients come from 11 Countries and Over 20 States to see Dr. Beougher for his artistic, life changing SmileLift™ procedure!


Marcia, all the way from Brazil, as she undergoes a remarkable smile makeover at the hands of the skilled Dr. Ritchie Beougher at Smile Maker of Texas.


Taught cosmetic dentistry to other dentists at NYU and Palm Beach College …and “ practice what we preach”!

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Dr. Beougher had his very own SmileLift™ procedure completed over 21 Years Ago!

Our patients still come back for check ups and cleanings from New York, Chicago, California, Kansas City, Florida and even Hawaii.

They know they can trust us!


One New York Business Executive Asked By Co-Workers “Why” And She Said…

"I’ve had many Dentists and now no other dentist do I trust like Dr. Ritchie Beougher…."


SmileLift™ Patient

Does A Life Changing SmileLift™ Last Forever? The Following Patients Think So!

"Ritchie, how long did you say this SMILE will last? Because you told me over 20 years and it has been 23 years!…. And I’m still Smiling and still playing golf!"


82 Year Old Patient

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Chuck Norris

Chuck Norris's SmileLift™ is 21 years old now!

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Dr. Beougher

Dr. Ritchie Beougher's own SmileLift™ is 21 years old!


Bart Millard

Famous Christian singer of band Mercy Me (record hit song "I Can Only Imagine") had his SmileLift™ completed 20 years ago! "20 years later, my smile is still looking great!" - Bart

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If you want nothing but the best, give us a call today! Come on in and let us show your a little smile magic!

Schedule a Consultation!

Office Hours

Mon-Fri: 8:00am - 5:30pm
Sat & Sun: CLOSED

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