Dental Implants in Plano and Dallas, TX

Looking for the smile you always wanted? Dental implants may be the answer. The good news is there are several options available as a solution. To find out which option is best for you, let Dr. Beougher and his staff help you get started.

Dental Implant Specialists in Plano TX

Traditional bridges, dentures, and partial dentures provide limited functionality, even though they give back the cosmetic appearance of having no missing teeth. Dental implants, on the other hand, give you cosmetic benefits and functionality! They look just like your natural teeth and they feel and function like them too! Dental implants are also durable and have no or very few restrictions, unlike some of the other options, making them a great option for cosmetic dentistry in Plano.


What is a Dental Implant

So what is a dental implant? Dental implants are titanium posts that are surgically anchored into the jawbone. This is done so that a replacement for the missing tooth can be positioned. Generally, most patients are eligible to have this procedure performed, though some with insufficient bone density might require additional care before placement.

Another benefit of dental implants is that they do not damage surrounding teeth, bridges and dentures can sometimes cause damage as they are not as stable.

Good candidates for dental implants should have:

  • Healthy gums
  • Adequate jaw bone structure to support the implant
  • A commitment to excellent oral care

You may not be a good candidate if:

  • You are pregnant
  • You are young and bone is still growing
  • You are a smoker
  • You have certain diseases or chronic conditions

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Office Hours

Mon-Fri: 8:00am - 5:30pm
Sat & Sun: CLOSED

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