Porcelain Veneer Smile Lift In Plano, TX

Look 10 Years Younger In 1 Day!

Dr. Beougher’s revolutionary SmileLift™ Procedure Will Change Your Life! Patients can look 10 years younger with a new smile!

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Are you embarrassed by your smile? Do you wish you were more confident in your appearance? Do you look at celebrities and wonder how they are able to have such a beautiful smile? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, Dr. Beougher has a dental procedure that can help give you the smile you’ve only ever dreamed of having.


Benefits of the Smile Lift

The remarkable SmileLift™ procedure, developed by Plano cosmetic dentist Dr. Ritchie Beougher, offers truly age-defying results to give a more youthful appearance, restore your smile, and improve your overall confidence. After a SmileLift™ from Dr. Beougher, even your closest friends will wonder how you’ve managed to take ten years off your face with no downtime. Your lips appear fuller and wrinkles around the mouth often magically disappear, simply by correcting worn down, thin, or missing teeth.

How the Smile Lift Works

Dr. Beougher had his very own SmileLift procedure completed over 21 Years Ago!

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Dr. Beougher explains how the revolutionary dental procedure can help remove years for a more youthful appearance. “As we age, the lower half of the face tends to sag. The lower half of the face muscles lose their muscle tone and we develop wrinkles, which makes the face look aged.”

The anti-aging SmileLift™ is Dr. Beougher’s technique of rebuilding smiles by bonding individual porcelain veneers to each tooth. With his artistic background, Dr. Beougher suggests the color, length, size, and fullness of each new veneer. Patients begin their smile enhancement with temporary smiles –“Trial Smile” – that can be altered to get the exact look they desire. After patient’s approval, Dr. Beougher then duplicates their one-of-a-kind smile in exquisitely translucent porcelain according to the patient’s wishes. This way the patient receives their dream smile!

How Long Does SmileLift™ Last?

Dr. B's smile was completed 20 years ago! His assistant, Anna, was 24 years ago, and Chuck Norris's was done over 20 years ago! We have a one patient from Canada at 26 years and her smile is still very impressive! Many of our SmileLift™ patients who have moved away still come in from out of state, or even out of the country, for dental cleanings.

"Dr. B…. "What a difference you have made in my life. I came to you for a new smile, and walked away with a new life! May the power and light of the universal spirit guide you toward faith, hope and belief that the God of your understanding is present and always with you…”— In the miracle of the moment, God Bless"

- E.T. Southard

SmileLift before and after pictures Plano

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Office Hours

Mon-Fri: 8:00am - 5:30pm
Sat & Sun: CLOSED

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